
Why I Eat Dessert Every Day...

I honestly have no excuses as to why I have been so MIA these past weeks.  Life has been busy!  One big thing y'all may feel like congratulating me on is the fact that I ran a half marathon... So I guess I can check that off! :) 

Now, onto something much more interesting than running: dessert.  My one true love.  Kidding (kinda)!  Sweets and treats are just so wonderfully delicious and we can't help but want to indulge (desserts can refer to chocolate, ice cream, cake, cookies, pie, pizza, pasta, or whatever! I'll explain more further down).  They all make me smile!  This morning in the yoga class I was attending, the instructor starts on a bit of a tangent about how these upcoming months are so difficult because of Halloween candy, Thanksgiving pumpkin pie, Holiday goodies, Valentine's treats, etc. etc. etc.  The list can really go on because as Americans we can find any reason (good or not) to eat and drink too much... and it's awesome!  But her speech struck such a negative cord with me - it's not the desserts fault nor should we feel guilty about treating ourselves to a yummy little snack. 

Desserts are a tricky topic.  People tend to fall into four broad categories:
1) Eat ALL the desserts ALL the time with no second thoughts
2) No desserts, no not ever. Sugars and sweets are off the table (what a sad life...)
3) I feel shameful to eat this now, so if I workout or if I do X, Y, and Z I'll just have some later
4) Enjoy with moderation

My challenge to you would be to try and find your peace with desserts and find a way to fall into category four.  Dessert does not just mean all those sweets; it can mean the extra slice of pizza or seconds at the buffet.  It is whatever piece of food for that day that you just want to indulge on just a little bit.  You want to enjoy longer and treasure its yumminess. 
My philosophy on desserts is simple:
Eat one dessert EVERY day.
Now for some people's health, it is imperative to follow a strict regimen, and that I understand.  But to those of us with the privilege to really choose our food choices, we can easily fall into a trap of being consumed by our caloric intake.  The current trend is to track calories and measure meals meticulously, which is not a bad thing inherently.*  I will admit, from personal experience, it is a slippery slope.  How do you know when those numbers are consuming your every thought and making decisions for you?  One way to check is if you start avoiding your friends and group outings because you can't eat the food there because it's too fatty, you may want to simply "check-in" with where your priorities lie.  I want to be clear: I am not saying that eating a Crunchwrap Supreme or a decadent Lemon Raspberry Cheesecake slice every day is exactly wise.  What I am saying is don't be afraid to enjoy your food!  Here in the states we have lost an appreciation for our food; we scarf it down as quickly as possible in order to get back to work.  Elsewhere food is enjoyed and savored.  Take time with your food and consider it to be blessing that you have food in your hands.  Love the moments you get to slurp up that milkshake or lick that sucker.
There it is people - you can have your cake and eat it too!  It is not shameful to indulge each day, whether it's a cookie or a beer or a large cup at Ted Drewe's! 
Until next time, friends!
-RC :)
*A bit of a disclaimer: Personally, my diet usually consists of toast in the morning with a cup of coffee, saltines with cheese and turkey meat for lunch, a snack of a granola bar and carrots or celery, and pasta or the likes of for dinner WITH dessert of ice cream, beer, or cookies.  I tend to love both foods that are both low and high in calories.  The very real thing is just being aware of what your eating and making sure you are getting the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

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