
Why Wearing Pretty Underwear Matters

Do you ever have a morning when you wake up and from the get-go you feel 'eh' or "so-so?"  I mentioned in my first post how I so defiantly scribbled away in my Econ class fall of 2013 about pretty underwear... Well, without any further delay... Here it is, folks! :)

"I woke up this morning feeling fairly so-so.  As a college students it's socially acceptable to wear sweatpants pretty much every day of the week, but I try to avoid them when I can because I know I feel better about myself by simply pulling on a pair of jeans.  I had a conversation recently talking about sweatpants vs. jeans.  My friend made the comment, "Yah, I never pull on a pair of sweat and think, 'Oh! I look so good today.'" Nope, I just do not think that happens to us average women.  That said, I do have one tip that all women should heed. No matter what kind of pants you choose to put on in the morning - wear pretty underwear!

Yes, I am aware this sounds like a silly thing to do, but pulling on a pair of cute panties can affect your whole day.  It's proven true in my life, and I'd bet it would in yours as well!  Here's a personal story:  A few Wednesdays back I was having a terrible, no good, very bad day.  Everything seemed to be going wrong for no reason.  At about 2:00PM (and after several ranting sessions) I went to the restroom and saw the problem - ugly undies

To be clear, the pretty panties are for no one but yourself.  Do not think that I'm suggesting you need to show off your favorite lacey pair, except maybe to your best gal friends.  No, wearing pretty panties is for Y-O-U!  In this culture it is so easy to look in the mirror and be unsatisfied with what you see.  Earlier I used the word average to describe myself, and I'll go out on a limb and guess that many reading this would identify with that adjective or would choose one that is worse.  I wish I could say we are all as beautiful physically as the models and actresses we see on T.V. but I can't.  I will never be a size 2, but I don't want to be.  I wish I could say my crazy curly hair fell perfectly each day, but it doesn't  I SO desperately wish my face would clear of imperfections; why do they tell us acne ends after high school?  I have a healthy dose of self-image issues, BUT putting on my favorite pair of silk paisley panties changes my mood entirely. 

Ladies, we're not called to be or look perfect.  Yet, we must know that we are all beautiful because we are all so unique.  No two of us are the same (even those identical twins are spectacular in their own way).  Treasure who you are and buy those pretty panties!!

AND! To encourage my readers, the first person to leave a comment with a description of their favorite pair of undies OR a day when pretty panties really made a big difference will receive a $10 gift card to their favorite specialty underwear store (arie, Victoria's Secret, etc.) in the mail!  If I don't have your contact information, I will email you! :)



  1. I actually have 2 favs at the moment. One is teal, the other lavender. They are the perfect blend of silky smooth, which makes my butt feel great, and lace when makes everything adorable.

  2. I have a pair that is orange and pink and black paisley pattern , the colors are so bright and pretty that I cant help but smile!

  3. Congrats, Kristin! Thanks for reading!! I'll text you to find out where you'd like your gift card :)
