
Why Must I Wear Pants?

Seriously, friends.  Pants are the worst.  Okay - maybe not the worst, but they are certainly up there on the list of pointless and irritating things that I have to comply with because of societal structures.  I'll admit that this post is more lighthearted than my typical post; I don't have an earth-shattering epiphany to tell you about or a deeply touching story.  Mainly, I just want to rant 'bout da pant. Enjoy!

Pants are the equivalent to saran wrap for your legs.
Pants are like keeping your dog on a leash in a big field.
Pants are interchangeable with the terms: cruel & unusual punishment.
Pants are synonymous with nails on a chalkboard.
Pants are homologous with a whole month of cloudy, cold days.
Pants are comparable to Scar from Disney's The Lion King.  
The accepted (non-medical) term for a fear of pants is Pantaloonyphobia.

Needless to say, the first thing to go when I get home are my pants. :)

Until next time, friends.

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