
Why Being "Happy" Isn't All It's Cracked Up to be..

I think my number one most hated philosophical phrase (with YOLO in a solid close second) is the two worded beast:
Be happy!
Well, thank you, master of the obvious.  I hadn't considered that as an option.  If you know me, I actually do tend to stray on the side of optimism and joy, but that bubbles from a different source than what culture tells us we need to derive that emotion from.
Happy... How do you just be happy?  It's so fleeting.  It can come in an instant and just as quickly be gone.  Happiness isn't alone in that fate; all emotions are so fleeting.  That's why I choose to be anchored in something more; I choose Jesus because in Him I can stand confident that my ground will not be wavered.  Still, it doesn't mean that I don't run the emotional gamut of happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy, frustration, excitement, and so on.  Here's the way I see it: why long for happiness when it's never fulfilling enough?

Myths and Realities by Renèe
Myth: If I lost the weight I'd be happy.
Reality: (In most cases) If I lose the weight I'll be healthier. 
Myth: If I just met the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with I'd be happy.
Reality: If I meet the person I want to spend the rest of my life with
I'll be challenged in my selfishness.
Myth: If I landed that job and made more money I'd be happy.
Reality: If I land a job and make more money I'll be wealthier.
The truth is that happiness isn't the key.  It's a splendid emotion to experience and one that I love with the depths of my heart.  Laughter is such a beautiful thing! :) But happiness won't be able to sustain what you may be looking for, trying to change, or chasing after. 
That truth and reality is so simple it's one word: Jesus.
*Boom.  Mic Drop*
Until next time, friends.
-Renèe :)

P.S. Just in case you're really in the need for a good laugh (and laughter is proven to lengthen your life and boost your immune system) Ellen may be able to help (I'd also check out the Titanic Ellen spoof if I were you..)!

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