
Why Do We Have to Ask...

"Are you feeling okay?"
"Feeling sick today?" 

These common courtesy questions are actually quite the opposite, yet we ask them to friends, family members, classmates, and total strangers all the time.  The concept is fine.  I understand, we're concerned that someone is feeling ill, but far too often the person being questioned is feeling just fine and now they're wondering why they look like they're feeling sick.  Feeling a bit insecure and a bit irritated.  And that is just a great... No, super... No, FANTASTIC feeling, isn't it? 

I suppose I've been fairly sensitive to these statements because for the past month and a half I've had mono, which basically means you have no energy to do or care about anything.  The answer in this particular situation was: "Yes, I am sick; I have mono."  That situation tends to end with a mental confirmation that I do indeed look terrible and perhaps shouldn't have stepped out of the house (I just didn't have enough energy to care). But without a doubt, my favorite is when I get those same questions when I'm feeling healthy as a horse!  Hope you all can feel my sarcasm through your computer screens.  What's worse than being told you look sick when you are sick? Being told you look sick when you're totally fine.  I've gotten so fed up with it as of late that I've decided to take that phrase of out my vocabulary. 

Tip: Keep it general and simple.  If someone wants to share how they're feeling, they will. 

Happy Holidays, my sweet friends!  Sorry that I've been so MIA; like I shared, mono took out pretty much everything out of me.  I basically lived in a little black hole and slept all the time.  Enjoy those yummy meals and festivities! 

Until next time,
Renèe :)

^Me on the left with two of my vest best friends wishing everyone a happy Christmas!

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