
Why You Should Just Do It Already...

Nah, not sex.  Sorry not sorry. 

I'm talking about that RED lipstick you've been eyeing but haven't been buying.  I am referring to those boot heels you've adored but haven't committed to.  I mean, think back to the days you wondered, "Can I pull of leggings?"  Thank goodness that phase passed because those things are the best to be cozy. 

When it comes down to it, we all see trends and fads that we think we certainly can't pull off.  Then, one brave day we gather up the courage to try something new.  Something different than the norm.  It's scary because inevitably people will judge us - for better or for worse.  Those bright red lips, boot heels, or top knot are much less about how we actually look.  Because, love, let me tell you the truth:
You can rock whatever you wanna rock and look fabulous!

The trends tell us so much more about our own lives.  They give insight into how we approach taking a chance on something new.  So take that chance - in your life!  Like, go to town.  Wondering if you should make friends with those people?  Do it!  Not sure that you're ready to apply to those jobs.. You're ready.  Want to use the weights at the gym but not sure how you'll look?  Who cares!? 

The moment I stopped living with such fear and anxiety about how I was perceived in every little move of my life was the moment I found the freedom to enjoy my life.

Until next time, friends.

R :)