
Why I Told Each of My Students Just How Awesome They Truly Are...

Shout out to Melissa Dudley for this awesome video!  Take a minute to watch.  It's awesome and it inspired me (although, to be fair, my lesson for gratitude and giving positive compliments had been in the works for about two weeks)...

My students responded in such a positive way, too!  One of my students even responded with, "Ms. Cisar - you know... You're awesome, too!  We think you are a really nice teacher."  It started our day off with such an upbeat and excited attitude. 

Here's the thing:  YOU are awesome, too.  You, dear reader, are just plain fantastic.  The person that you are and the things that you do matter.  You leave lasting effects on people.  When a smile forms on your lips it brings someone such joy that they themselves want to smile.  So even if it's hard right now or you're feeling tired and worn down you need to know these things.  You are a splendid person with a purpose; be better every day.  I am thankful for you in this world.

Until next time, friends.

-R :)