
Why I'm Single...

^Uh..... Duh.

But in all seriousness, there probably are some legit reasons I'm still single. 

It could be the fact that I still sleep with my baby blanket and two stuffed frogs named Mr. Boppers and Curtis at night...?  I'm not saying this is the reason, but I'm not saying it's not.  Who knows, maybe it's the fact that I walk around my house wearing glasses with no lenses because I feel smarter and cuter in them...?  Again, not a definite reason, but it could be the reason.  Orrrrrrrrrrrrr!  What if it's more related to the way I sing out loud in grocery stores when I'm shopping and I have my headphones in?  Perhaps, it's because on more than one occasion I have introduced myself to a man as Nikki instead of my actual name so even if that brief encounter were meant to be anything, those chances went to shot as backtracking and explaining that I lied about my name is a bit of a rocky way to start a relationship....? I'm also thinking it may be the fact that I can talk and talk and talk without stopping for a lengthy period of time, and I have a poor sense of volume control.  On top of that the struggle is real since I live in Cardinal Nation, and I have a deep love and passion for the SanFran Giants. <3

Truly, the list of odd facts and weird quarks about me could go on and on - trust me (or simply ask one of my friends...).  So, why is it, then?  Why AM I single?  Honestly, it could be none of these or it could be all of these reasons.  I genuinely don't know.  I do have a bit of commitment issues and I enjoy being single, so that may be a small factor.  But, friends, even if I don't know why exactly, I do know ONE thing....

The reason I'm single has absolutely NOTHING - I repeat - NOTHING to do with my appearance. 

How long are we as women (or men) going to believe the lie that if we just looked this way or lost that weight or whatever your insecurity is that we'd be in a happy-go-lucky-movie-kind of love?  I hear all too often friends make comments about how their singleness is a direct result of their perceived unattractiveness.  This is a outright lie from the enemy that thrives off a crack in your confidence.  I don't claim to know your quarks so your reason could be that you feel it's appropriate to wave excessively to the perfect stranger in the car next to you at the stoplight.  Who knows?  But what I can say is it's not those extra fifteen pounds; it's not your hair color or the size of your pores.  I challenge you to stop examining and criticizing your outer appearance and really turn that attention inwards.  Who are you?  Are the person that you'd want your potential spouse to be with?  Are you kind?  Do you love others?  I am constantly reminding myself to focus less on the way I look and more on the way I love.  If we all did that, this world would be so much more pleasant. 

Now, off my soap box.  And by the way, whatever your quarks are, that's cool by me.  Like one of my favorite philosophers said, "Today you are you, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive who is you-er than YOU!"  --- Dr. Seuss :)

Until next time, friends!

Oh!  And here's of picture of Mr. Boppers and Curtis, the men who help me fall asleep every single night... ;)  (Polly in the middle... Can you tell I really like frogs?)


Why You Shouldn't Hate Valentine's Day...

I am a single. 
When I'm at the doctors, I mark single. 
I don't mind.  In fact, my singleness is chosen because I want to be with someone spectacular, and I don't mind waiting for that person.  I look forward to spending time with that person when it happens, but for now I'm happy in my singleness.  Now, a lot of my single friends find the upcoming holiday (Valentine's Day) to be a bit depressing and disheartening. It is a bit alienating if you want it to be, but I have an another option

Let's choose to love instead.

Sure, we can sit at home and be sad (which to be honest, I'll be enjoying sappy love movies with two friends and drinking yummy wine :) ), but it doesn't mean we have to hate the holiday.  It's a day to celebrate love!  It may be a total cash-cow and pointless to buy silly chocolates.  Still, this world needs more love and this is a day to give and give and give love! It's a beautiful thing - to be able to spread love. 

Here is one wonderful site that may encourage you to spread the love:
The concept??? Write - YES - write a handwritten love letter to a complete and total stranger.  Heck, write a couple!  What to write?  It can be short or long, but it needs to center around the fact that someone somewhere loves that person dearly.  That they are fantastic and cherished.  Leave the note somewhere random - the bus, the table at the restaurant, or the grocery store behind the Cheerios.  It's a random act of kindness for a random day dedicated to love.

Sending all my love, friends!  You brighten my day and make my heart smile.

Renèe :)