
The Perks of Being a Morning Person!

This is a bit different than my typical blog topic, but it's my blog
 and I can write about what I want, right??
Being a morning person certainly has it's negatives.  Actually, there are quite a few.  I have a difficult time truly staying up late (like past midnight) without getting a little grumpy.  People who are not morning people tend to get aggressive with you (especially before their morning coffee).  It's something that, as a morning person, you get used to; you definitely learn not to take it personally!
That said, there are some things that I believe only morning people thoroughly get to enjoy and take advantage of.  One of my most treasured things about mornings is the fact that simply get to wake up and start a new day.  I find it so exciting that mornings bring such a sense of renewal and a clean slate.  It's optimistic and a little too much for some people, that I truly understand, but it's a great mindset to have to approach the upcoming day. 
Morning people also have the perk of several different aspects related to just stepping out the door.  In the summer, we have the lovely opportunity to feel the sun as it also rises and enjoy that peaceful moment before the rest of the world has begun hustling round and round.  In the fall it is my favorite to hear the wind blowing leaves before I hear the cars down the street! Once winter hits it really depends if you are a morning person who enjoys the cold or hates it.  If you do enjoy it, like myself, then it's a bit exhilarating to step outside and feel the nip on your face (then it's freakin' cold and that moment passes... quickly).
I cannot NOT mention the fact that morning people have the bonus of getting everyone's day up and running!  Someone once said to me (on a morning I was being particularly perky) that they wished no one was a morning person.  My response: if we didn't have morning people, how in the world would anything ever get done before 11:00AM?  Starting up and getting going is one of my favorite things about being a morning person! 
Here's a more complete list of actual benefits can come from being a morning person!!
Are you a morning person and have any other perks that you love? Comment below!
Until next time, friends!
-RC :)
^ This one is for you, Mom :)