
Why You Should Just Do It Already...

Nah, not sex.  Sorry not sorry. 

I'm talking about that RED lipstick you've been eyeing but haven't been buying.  I am referring to those boot heels you've adored but haven't committed to.  I mean, think back to the days you wondered, "Can I pull of leggings?"  Thank goodness that phase passed because those things are the best to be cozy. 

When it comes down to it, we all see trends and fads that we think we certainly can't pull off.  Then, one brave day we gather up the courage to try something new.  Something different than the norm.  It's scary because inevitably people will judge us - for better or for worse.  Those bright red lips, boot heels, or top knot are much less about how we actually look.  Because, love, let me tell you the truth:
You can rock whatever you wanna rock and look fabulous!

The trends tell us so much more about our own lives.  They give insight into how we approach taking a chance on something new.  So take that chance - in your life!  Like, go to town.  Wondering if you should make friends with those people?  Do it!  Not sure that you're ready to apply to those jobs.. You're ready.  Want to use the weights at the gym but not sure how you'll look?  Who cares!? 

The moment I stopped living with such fear and anxiety about how I was perceived in every little move of my life was the moment I found the freedom to enjoy my life.

Until next time, friends.

R :)


Why I Told Each of My Students Just How Awesome They Truly Are...

Shout out to Melissa Dudley for this awesome video!  Take a minute to watch.  It's awesome and it inspired me (although, to be fair, my lesson for gratitude and giving positive compliments had been in the works for about two weeks)...

My students responded in such a positive way, too!  One of my students even responded with, "Ms. Cisar - you know... You're awesome, too!  We think you are a really nice teacher."  It started our day off with such an upbeat and excited attitude. 

Here's the thing:  YOU are awesome, too.  You, dear reader, are just plain fantastic.  The person that you are and the things that you do matter.  You leave lasting effects on people.  When a smile forms on your lips it brings someone such joy that they themselves want to smile.  So even if it's hard right now or you're feeling tired and worn down you need to know these things.  You are a splendid person with a purpose; be better every day.  I am thankful for you in this world.

Until next time, friends.

-R :)


Why I'm NOT Failing.

Let me transcribe a recent phone call I had with my mother:

"How are things going?" - Mom
"Good, I'm busy.  Early morning and long days, but I am loving most of the minutes during them.  Church has been really great, and somehow I've managed to keep up with my friends." - Me
"That's great, hun!  I'm happy it's going well." -Mom
"Me, too.  It just feels like... I don't know. I'm failing." -Me
"Oh, is the work too hard?" -Mom
"No. No, it's not that.  It just feels like I should have more to report.  I mean, I can't even remember the last time I told you about a boy in my life." -Me
"And why would that mean you're failing?" -Mom

Good damn question, Mom.

I am not one to often feel the need of a significant other.  In fact, I have to be cautious of my identity being placed too much in my own independence.  Yet, lately I've been struggling with feeling as though I'm not meeting the criteria of a twenty-something about to graduate college.  Why not?  I've done the course work.  I've earned top honors!  More importantly, I love what I do day in and day out.  I've recently become more and more attracted and encouraged to read my bible and delve into prayer, which has subsequently drawn me closer and closer to the Father.  And here I am feeling like a failure because there's no prospects in sight, much less a ring on my finger! 

It's not the most ideal timing for me to be considering dating; if all goes as planned, I'll be leaving the country for two years.  So logically, that's a no go.  I'm also trying this new thing where I let God take the lead.  As simple as it sounds, it is surprisingly difficult for a controlling person to trust in the plans of someone else.  Even when that someone else is God.  So why is it that I'm feeling like a failure because I don't have a boo thing for the upcoming cuffin' season?
We all make plans.  We all imagine things will go one way.  Sometimes they do.  Sometimes they don't.  I'm 22.  I am no where near ready for kids, and although I look forward to marriage, I truly can wait.  All of that is true of 22 year-old Renèe.  Three years ago, I know for a fact that the goal was to have met someone by now.  I wanted my professional life to be aligning with my personal life so I could "start" life at the same time.  I wanted to set an example for my younger sisters.  I wanted it to finally happen.  It didn't.  And after another year, when it still hadn't, I decided I needed to change my expectations.  I needed to be comfortable in my own skin and be myself by myself.  So, I did.  I stopped saying I had to do things, and started understanding some things will just happen when they happen.  God is about bringing things into our lives when they are meant to come and out when they need to leave.  Life isn't this big waiting game.  Stop waiting to do what you want or feel you need to do.  Especially you ladies.  It's okay to want that significant other to be a part of your life, but don't you dare wait to start your own life until you've joined his.  You can (and should be able to) do you with or without a Mrs. attached to your name.

Until next time, friends.
-R :)